Sighting of two disk-shaped objects following a small aircraft about 10:15 p.m. on Monday night. My location is St. Catharines. I saw a small aircraft, with the usual red/green signal lights visible. I could also hear it as it flew in a north-western direction almost directly above me. It was north-east of the house. I was sitting in a reclining lawn chair at the back of my house. The full moon was rising in the south-east and was not visible to me. My large cherry tree and garage was blocking it from view. The reclining chair was pointing directly east and I could see with my naked eyes the stars Vega and Deneb. Altair was somewhere behind the cherry tree/back fence. A few very faint stairs were also visible. In the area there are lights from the elementary school behind me and lights also from the parking lot of Mandarin Restaurant and Canadian Tire Financial call centre. I pointed my 10×50 Bausch & Lomb binoculars at the aircraft and immediately notice two objects following the aircraft. They had no signal lights and did not appear to be lit up. They were grey round objects, and from my perspective they were the same size as the wing span of the plane. One was closer to the plane and the other just behind it and off to one side. As I watched, the two objects lined up behind each other, about five spaces between then. (Four or five objects of the same size would fit between them.) It is difficult for me to say how far behind the aircraft these two objects were. Not a large distance. Just as the airplane was moving towards the north-east corner of my house, I moved my binoculars away from the objects to the aircraft. When I tried to locate the two objects again, I could not find them. For the next hour I watched other aircraft in the sky, all of them flying much higher than the first aircraft. I did not see anything unusual following these other terrestrial airplanes. What makes this observation interesting? The two saucers were following the aircraft. Both of them lined up one behind the other. They were not bright, but dull grey in colour. While they were about the same size as the aircraft, they were distinctly different. Im sure that I would not have seen then without the binoculars. Notes: I live about 5 blocks from the Welland Canal to the east. On the other side of the canal is the St. Catharines Airport. The sky was clear, but there was a haze that blocked most of the stars. This haze reflected light from parking lots at a mall and elementary school. I was shaded from these city lights by my house and garage and backyard trees. It was a hot but dry night. The object were seen overhead. There were no other witnesses. Photos not possble, not enough light. No military bases or airfields nearby. My reaction was one of slight surprise. Ive always been an alien UFO skeptic and would welcome a sensible explanation. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.