This is always my least favorite part, excuse the cynicism. I guess I mean that I always find it difficult to describe a scenario so that someone understands how fantastic the event is as my experience. I’m a scientist, and a graduate nurse, and therefore trained to observe and report. However, theres more to a good story than just the facts, so, I’ll do my best to make sense of this experience so somebody will enjoy reading this. Every morning and some afternoons I take my 18 month old son for a walk around my neighbourhood, of which includes Ring Drive (in Groton CT). My son has a thing for air-planes and loves to sky-watch, so I often spend time looking up into the sky with him during our walks. This time, my son pointed at a plane and then I saw an object dangerously close to the plane, it seemed like the plane didn’t see the object, as it didn’t alter course or anything. I believe the object may have been in back of the plane, hence no change in course. At that moment, I whipped out my video camera like “Billy the Kid” and started to video the craft, I didn’t get much taping done and the object was gone, at that point I closed the video camera and sighed with disgust because I could not get a better video. Then, out of the blue, totally unexpected another craft comes from another direction, this time closer and more discernible. It is totally possible that it could be the same same craft just closer, it was more difficult to make out the size and shape of the first one especially because of the brightness of the sky. I will say again, the object was circular/spherical and moving around in an unnatural way. It should be noted that this is my second MUFON report. These craft don’t resemble the last two in the very least. This was my second experience & I was not anxious. Lastly, there are objects in the foreground so a distance and size should be easier to figure out. By no means am I discounting my last experience, in fact I stated before that this area (Groton CT) is a HOT spot because of the Sub base, General Dynamics (Electric Boat), the Air National Guard, and lastly the Airport. When I first came to the area a few people had mentioned the weird shapes and lights in the sky and I dismissed them all until I saw a bunch things in the sky that I could not understand myself. It is of my opinion that these UFOs and such are extraterrestrial in nature and have been occurring for quite some time now. And furthermore, it is also my opinion that these craft seemed interested in our military (especially nuclear) technology, commercial aircraft, and our developing tech (General Dynamics). I hope that everyone reading this got a good understanding of what happened to me on May 11th 2012. Thanks for reading my report. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
KEN’S NOTE: I was deployed to New London Connecticut a few years ago. Groton is right across the inlet to theNavy’s submarine pens, Coast Guard Academy and the General Dynamics plant. There is also a nuclear plant a few miles away. This is the perfect spot for UFO activity.