I live in Jersey City, NJ which is right across the river from NYC. It was about 9 pm at night on and I was sitting on my deck which faces east, about to start a BBQ. My roommate had just walked into the apartment to get food ready. We are near all the major NYC airports so planes pass by in their approach and take off all day and night. Helicopters are always in the area as well. The sky was overcast with clouds and I was about to get up to go inside. This incredibly bright light orb type “something” appeared out of nowhere below the clouds, shot like a rocket at incredible speed, disappeared for a split second then flashed once then disappeared. I had never seen anything like it. My first thought, was that a meteor but it was too close, big and it was below the clouds. A firework ?, but there was no sound and the way it appeared then disappeared ruled that out. It was also too bright and not like a flame. More like an object. I couldn’t actually tell its distance or how large it was since it all happened so fast. I sat for a bit in disbelief and daze. Now that I think about it, I actually couldn’t really move. I just sat staring. I looked to see if the plane I was original watching was still in its approach in the distance and it was. What I saw was so fast and bright. It was almost like it popped into our world then popped out. If you weren’t looking in the sky you wouldn’t have noticed it. I told my roommate and of course he just said “oh yeah” and laughed. It happened the second he went inside unfortunately. We had no alcohol at that point and I am not on any medication or recreational drugs. Who knows maybe it was actually spiritual in nature. But if you think about it, major metropolitan areas would be perfect for UFOs to come and go if they can go undetected by radar. There are planes in the area at all times so no one is really looking or noticing. This is the first time I experienced something like this but I will never forget. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS ………….. Thanks to www.mufon.com