Thought you might get a kick out of this – earlier last night I was at the window (opening it) and I noticed a bright orange’ish star/planet and thought hmmmm it seems so low in the sky, must be one of the well known ones. Not far from it and of course under it was a twinkling light. I see them all the time, similar to a plane but more of a twinkling strobe, which gives the impression that whatever it is, it’s jumping around a little. Not quite going in a straight line,so I watched it, as I always do,saying to myself that can’t be a plane, it must be some kind of craft – well get this. As I’m watching the little ‘twitter bat’ as I call then , the orange planet moves and begins to follow in the same direction! Hahaha I actually said out loud, oh my god, not only does it follow in the same path but just before I had to crane my neck and push my face up to the screen it turned off – bam! Like someone flipped a switch. I ran outside and looked for it, my neighbors must have thought I was a nutcase standing on the sidewalk looking up but that was it. Anyhow, I was a bit elated because I’ve seen several things during the course of my life but this was pretty good. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS.ORG …….. Special thanks to my facebook friend Lisa for her sighting report.