I was at home, in bed. I couldn’t fall asleep, so I looked out my window and saw what looked like a star. It moved out of my sight, so I sat up in bed and split my blinds to see. At that point I realized this object was below the clouds (right at the bottom edge of the clouds because a few times it crossed into them slightly.) I kept watching and thought to myself that it must be a plane or helicopter, but no, I saw another and I realized they were moving very smoothly in different directions. The movements were very subtle but I could tell they weren’t moving in a straight line like an airplane would just because of the way they moved compared to the position of my blinds, which were still. They were kind of just white lights. I focused on one and realized it seemed to have one bright light (or big light) in the center and many small lights circling that, like a stereotypical flying saucer I guess. I think since it was so dark the lights were all I saw, and I really didn’t see a distinct body or shape, but because of the placement of the lights I could assume they were somewhat disc shaped and more convex at the top and bottom. They weren’t flat discs. (more like lemons from the side view.) When they left, (At the beginning, there were two. One disappeared shortly after I noticed them, and the other stuck around.) -when they left, the light seemed to get smaller and smaller until it was just a bright speck. Maybe its because they zoomed away or something, but that wouldnt make a lot of sense because they were under clouds and a few times while they moved they dipped into them slightly and I could see the clouds covering them a little. It almost seemed like they shrunk or disappeared while also moving higher, or away. I dont know how else to describe it. I was the only observer from my point of view, but I hope that other people in my area saw these as well. I suppose it might be useful to know that I’m perfectly healthy, physically and mentally. I also happen to have 20/20 vision, and that’s pretty nice actually. I also haven’t taken any drugs or medication, and I’m not dehydrated or starved, just to rule that stuff out. I’ve always had an interest in UFO stories but seeing one right above my home was extremely nerve wracking. At this point I’m half-curious and half terrified, but I’m pretty sure these unknown objects or possibly, beings, weren’t trying to harm anyone here. They looked like they were observing us or taking note of something. The way they moved reminded me of the way someone would scan their eyes over their suitcase to make sure they had everything packed. (hopefully you can imagine that.) While watching, I could feel myself freak out a little on the inside. Curiosity, fear, excitement all took over me at once and I could feel my heart beat pick up speed. It was like an emotional rush. I wasn’t going anywhere though. I wasn’t going to think about anything or look away or move at all until the things left. I wanted to see as much as I could before the things left. Immediately after seeing them, I got on the internet and reported my story to NUFORC, and then posted on reddit/r/ufos to see if anyone there had suggestions on what to do, or had any similar stories to share. I was told to report it here as well, so I did. After that, I spoke with some friends who were online until it was light out, watched tv til 7am, (I didnt want to sleep because I was so shook up and a little scared) and then ended up falling asleep on the couch till 3 pm. And now Im writing this. Unfortunately I didnt get video or photographic evidence of what I saw, but I will be submiting a sketch to better describe what was up there. I didn’t want to go find my camera and then come back only to see that the UFO(s) left. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ed Dobson of MUFON New Jersey.