Location. Near Kapustin Yar range, Astrakhan or Volgograd region, Russia
Date: August 12 1989 Time: night
Shot downed by another UFO during a dogfight an extraterrestrial disk was damaged by some type of alien beam weapon. The craft lost control and fell at very high speed on a flat terrain outside the State Central Test Range # 4 at Kapustin Yar. The crash was probably noticed by military personnel or reported to them and a retrieval team was sent to the range. UFO observations over Kapustin Yar State Central Test Range # 4 on the night of July 28-29 1989 had caused a stir (confirmed by authentic KGB documents). This was another case and the military was informed about the downed disk-shaped object partially embedded on the ground, in a tilted position. The disk was about 5 to 8 meters in diameter, convexo, shaped like a lens. Its surface was ideally smooth, seamless, silver metallic, indicating evident non-terrestrial technology, with a broad and slight not jutting gradual dome on top connected in the same line with the rest of the hull and a broad cylindrical base. The bottom section and one side of the object were substantially damaged by the hard impact, with numerous dents and a narrow curved crack on its side. The incident was immediately reported to the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshall Dmitriy T. Yazov and the chairman of the KGB, etc. Soon a special order was issued by the Military Space Forces of the USSR to the Commander of Kapustin Yar range to dispatch a retrieval team to the crash site. (Mr. Pavel Laptinov of Saint Petersburg saw the written order himself in 1999).The operation was conducted to isolate the rest of the military on the range from any knowledge of the incident, and to enlist only specially selected people called from outside (mostly from Moscow) to the recovery and research procedures. Under the cover of night the crash site was immediately cordoned off and the disk was removed to an isolated hangar on the territory of Kapustin Yar Sate Central Range # 4. The object was then covered by anti-radiation foil & tarpaulin. The research site where the disk had been hidden was almost completely isolated from the rest of the range in order to prevent any leakage of information. The scientific research military team was gathered in top secrecy in a short amount of time after the incident and had been dispatched by airplane to the range to study the disk inside the hangar. The research team made different attempts to penetrate inside the disk, using different equipment. They tried strong drills, diamond tip ones, gas cutting, but nothing helped, the hull appeared very durable. Finally expensive and heavy laser equipment that was brought to the site helped. They concentrated their efforts on the crack in the object’s side and expanded it by laser. The hull consisted of 4 layers. In about 20 days they made the hole large enough enabling the research team to penetrate inside, who were dressed in protective suits and gas masks. Soon the research team finally penetrated inside the craft. The object consisted of 3 levels inside, an engine compartment on the lower level; the main power plant apparently self-destructed automatically. The main control room was on the 2nd level had a screen, a main control panel positioned in a semicircle with multicolored rectangular key-shaped buttons 2 x 5 cm in size, like keys on a piano, positioned in 3 rows and 4 small round chairs. Identity of the dome-shaped cylinder in the center of the cabin’s floor was later identified as a holographic projector. The top level was like a garret, apparently an air lock. Four alien bodies were found on level 2, all dead, mostly next to the chairs. The aliens were about 1.3, 1.4m in height, two were the same and a third was slightly taller, about 1.5-1.6m. They had large hairless heads covered with helmets with 4 webbed fingers, greenish-yellow-brown skin, and thin long arms, like that of a monkey, long narrow legs and necks, huge slanted frog like eyes covered by black eye lenses, just a protrusion with 2 openings on the place of a nose, small and narrow slit-like mouth, tiny ears pressed to the rear part of their heads, and long thin hands. They were dressed in tight-fitting and very durable suits of metallic silver color with a violet tint, with belts and round circles on their chest areas. They had long elbow length gloves. The suits were removed with difficulty, along with the silver-greenish boots and gloves. One of the bodies was substantially damaged by the hard impact. In general, the beings were similar to those found in the disk that crashed in Latvia in the early 1990s. In extreme secrecy the bodies were immediately removed from the disk, placed inside the hangar and put into special support containers to preserve biological materials. These containers were then loaded on a military cargo aircraft and moved to an aerodrome in the Moscow area. From there the bodies were removed to a special KGB biomedical laboratory outside the town of Solnechnogorsk northwest of Moscow (as well as other alien bodies from other UFO crashes, Poland, Latvia, etc) where they were autopsied and hidden in underground bunkers by only 4 officers. During the autopsy yellow-greenish alien blood appeared quickly reacting with oxygen, apparently copper-based. A Soviet engineering team succeeded in a detailed study of the disk from inside, but the technology was hard to understand. Metal alloys were properly analyzed, different parts were taken from the disk and moved outside the range to different military industrial and R&D institutions for analyses (including Vnukovo alien material research underground lab southwest of Moscow). The disk was not moved to the research centers in populated areas by reasons of secrecy. In around 1991 or 1992 the disk had been removed from Kapustin Yar range to Novaya Zemlya Island base in the Arctic region (a former nuclear State Central Range # 6) where is still hidden today in a specially constructed artificial cave. The alien bodies were also taken there. Other UFOs have also been stored at this location, including a small non-piloted probe which crashed and was recovered in Latvia in either 1991 or 1992. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS ……………….. Thanks to Phantoms and Monsters