The witness, 27 year old Paulina was sleeping in her bedroom which she shared with her younger sister when suddenly in the middle of the night she was awakened by a powerful whitish light that entered the bedroom through the door, at the same time she becomes totally paralyzed and is unable to move. She was now wide awake and could only move her eyes. She now watched in horror as three very tall humanoid figures with thin bodies and whose heads scraped the ceiling began to approach the bed where she and her sister slept. One of the beings stood by the headboard and gently touched the witness’s forehead, at that same moment the witness remembers seeing a bright light and heard a sound resembling a popping balloon, after that happened she lost all her memory. The next day she heard neighbors talking about the sighting about a luminous object that was seen hovering low above the trees nearby. She said that the beings exuded a strange ‘beauty’ and caused her to calm down. Their bodies were covered in a tight-fitting dark garment which was almost skin-like, without any seams or zippers. Their eyes were somewhat larger than that of humans and their heads were completely hairless. NOTE: The above image is a rendering
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS ……….. Thanks to Phantoms and Monsters